Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains a number of questions that I get asked on a regular basis.
Given that I'm not always the fastest to respond to email, you should probably
read these first!
How do I submit photos?
In the near future I hope to deploy a method for people to upload photographs
directly, but in the meantime, see
Can you provide information about rail travel in NSW?
Unfortunately not. For rail travel within NSW, probably the best place to
look is the following:
I'm looking for some information about NSW Railway history. Can you
Maybe... I do have a fair amount of historic resources about the NSW
railways, but there are some other places you could look:
- RailPage is a web site devoted
to Australia railways. There are forums that cover current and historic
railway topics.
- Australian Railway Historic Society (NSW)
is the major organisation covering the history of NSW railways.
They have a large number of books for sale, as well as a significant archive
of railway-related information.
- State Records is the place to go if you
need even more information about NSW Government Railways. This is the
archives of various NSW governments over the years.
I'm looking for information about a relative who work in the railways. Can
you help?
I really can't help. See the previous question for some places to look.
Can I use some of the photos on your website?
Yes, but... they are copyright to their respective owners. For photos that I
own, just drop me an email and ask. For photos owned by other people, I can
put you in contact with the copyright owner.
... but it's only for private purposes
Of course I can't stop you from saving the photos on your computer. But if you
are going to publish them in some form (even if if it just within a closed
circle of people), you need to clear it with the copyright owner. It's only
fair on the people who own the photos, right?
Can I have access to your data?
Sure! Drop me an email and we can work out the best way to get the data to you
in a form that you can use.